Dancin’ At the Grand – October 15th, 2023

Detroit Yacht Club 1 Riverbank Road, Detroit, MI, United States

Dancin' At the Grand - October 15th, 2023 The next dance at the Detroit Yacht Club is on October 15th, 2023! Looking forward to seeing you there. Come see the amazing Detroit Yacht Club, enjoy the beautiful venue, and dance to the wonderful sounds of live music as they fill the ballroom. Dance class included. Paul Carryer and Julianna Schoon


Dancin’ At the Grand – December 17th, 2023

Detroit Yacht Club 1 Riverbank Road, Detroit, MI, United States

Dancin' At the Grand - December 17th, 2023 A Dancin' at the Grand dance has been scheduled at the Detroit Yacht Club for December 17th, 2023! Looking forward to seeing you there. Come see the amazing Detroit Yacht Club, enjoy the beautiful venue, and dance to the wonderful sounds of live music as they fill the ballroom. Dance class included.


DYC Dancing at the Grand – September 29th, 2024

Detroit Yacht Club 1 Riverbank Road, Detroit, MI, United States

DYC Dancing at the Grand - September 29th, 2024   Looking forward to seeing you at the upcoming dance!  Come see the amazing Detroit Yacht Club, enjoy the beautiful venue, and dance to the wonderful sounds of live music as they fill the Grand ballroom. Dance Class included.  Paul Carryer & Julianna Schoon will teach a beginner lesson starting at


Swing Ann Arbor Wednesday – Ann Arbor MI

Ann Arbor

Swing out & be happy every Wednesday night!   Come to the fantastic Wednesday Night Swing and dance in Ann Arbor’s most vibrant swing dance community! Our experienced DJs play the best songs for swingin’ out every Wednesday night from 7:30 PM – 9:30 PM! We regularly invite first-rate local musicians to show us their stuff in the spectacular halls


Riverside Swings on Fridays – Ypsilanti MI

Riverside Arts Center 76 Huron St., Ypsilanti, MI, United States

Swing dancing describes a variety of partner dances that were born in Harlem in the 1930’s danced to Jazz music that  “swung”.  RAC Swings welcomes all types of swing dancing: East Coast, Lindy Hop, Charleston, Balboa, Shag, Blues even West Coast and Modern / Country Swing!   All ages and skill levels welcome. Come alone, with a partner, or in a


Sunday 2nd Street Swing Dance – Rochester MI

NO Partner or Experience Needed! East Coast Swing uses a basic 6-count step pattern and was created by a group of dance instructors in the 1940s to provide a swing dance that was easy to learn for any level dancer. It continued to be popular through the beginnings of the Rock n' Roll era. Each Beginner’s Crash Course will be

Riverside Swings on Fridays – Ypsilanti MI

Riverside Arts Center 76 Huron St., Ypsilanti, MI, United States

Swing dancing describes a variety of partner dances that were born in Harlem in the 1930’s danced to Jazz music that  “swung”.  RAC Swings welcomes all types of swing dancing: East Coast, Lindy Hop, Charleston, Balboa, Shag, Blues even West Coast and Modern / Country Swing!   All ages and skill levels welcome. Come alone, with a partner, or in a


Sunday 2nd Street Swing Dance – Rochester MI

NO Partner or Experience Needed! East Coast Swing uses a basic 6-count step pattern and was created by a group of dance instructors in the 1940s to provide a swing dance that was easy to learn for any level dancer. It continued to be popular through the beginnings of the Rock n' Roll era. Each Beginner’s Crash Course will be

Swing Ann Arbor Wednesday Dances – Ann Arbor MI

Ann Arbor

Swing out & be happy every Wednesday night!   Come to the fantastic Wednesday Night Swing and dance in Ann Arbor’s most vibrant swing dance community! Our experienced DJs play the best songs for swingin’ out every Wednesday night from 7:30 PM – 9:30 PM! We regularly invite first-rate local musicians to show us their stuff in the spectacular halls


Riverside Swings on Fridays – Ypsilanti MI

Riverside Arts Center 76 Huron St., Ypsilanti, MI, United States

Swing dancing describes a variety of partner dances that were born in Harlem in the 1930’s danced to Jazz music that  “swung”.  RAC Swings welcomes all types of swing dancing: East Coast, Lindy Hop, Charleston, Balboa, Shag, Blues even West Coast and Modern / Country Swing!   All ages and skill levels welcome. Come alone, with a partner, or in a
